
Showing posts from October, 2019

Please Drop Us A Note ...

Hi All - We've had something like 38,000 visits to our blog since it was started about 8 months ago. But only 4 comments (yes, 4). I suspect there may be something wrong with the comment feature. Either way, we'd love to hear from you. So PLEASE comment ... if only to help us test the system. Thank you!

My Recent Sex Life

So far in 2019 I haven’t been allowed to fuck my wife. Even though she has fully serviced her boyfriend a about five times. Each time we have almost had sex, she has either led me on and then disallowed penetration and jerked me to orgasm -OR- more than once she has told me we could have sex and then jerked me to orgasm before I could even mount her – spoiling any chance I had. Most recently she has taken to jerking me off even when I don’t want sex. She has learned to make me involuntarily hard by bragging about her boyfriend’s cock and coaxing me to orgasm by taunting me about her pussy being reserved for his enjoyment (and semen). She also force-arouses me by saying things like, “C’mon, I love to see you squirt.” or “It’s so cute when you squirt in my hand.” But the most effective of all is “It’s so sweet that you still squirt for me even though I’m fucking another guy. C’mon squirt on my leg.” Something about her wanting me to squirt strictly for her entertainment and r...