
Showing posts from June, 2021

Things to Come ...

Things to Come For over 2 years now, I've known -- I've been told -- it's just a matter of time before my wife will be getting this service from her boyfriend -- a service I have never been allowed to provide her. It makes me so nervous -- nervous that my wife will enjoy it too much and become addicted to his sex even more. But when I see images like this, I don't know what to feel. It would be so beautiful if it were my wife and it would seem untoward to persuade her against it. Update:  I finally found the long version of the video originally linked above.

A Few or My Favorite Erotic Cartoons (by Void Nosferatu and Kami Tora)

I love erotic cartoon art. There are two artists in particular that always get me worked up. They are Kami Tora (aka Paper Tiger) and Void Nosferatu. Here's a a collection of my favorites from both. This is a work in progress; I will add more and link to serial work they've done that I enjoy. My intention here is to popularize their work, not to steal from them in any way. Best wishes. (This images is a preview to appease the sensors on Select Art of Void Nosferatu: Select Art of KamiTora :

Curiosity Killed the Cat?

I saw this image today on Tumblr and it made me very curious. I began to wonder if my wife's boyfriend has ever done this to her. And if he has, how often?  And whether or not she enjoyed it. And perhaps most importantly,  how come that's never happened between us. (I suspect it's just because I've never had the nerve to do it. Maybe I'm not as "alpha"  as him.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE: My wife confirmed for me that her boyfriend has pumped into her mouth like this MANY times. In fact, she said, "Almost every time." And the image and the memory of it made her wet tonight when I asked her about it.