Equipment Recommendation, Please ...

Equipment recommendations please: I’m looking for quality pegging gear that would be size-convertible and allow for insertion in both my wife (the pegger) and me (the peggee). This really isn’t my thing and I would like a dildo that is very, very slender … like approximately the girth of my thumb and maybe 6″ long. ISeriously, I have no interest in this as a size challenge. I’d rather it be a walk in the park, if you catch my drift.) Also, my wife is VERY very tight, so the knob on her side needs to be tiny also.

I don’t expect to enjoy this, but I’m excited about doing this because it is, perhaps, my wife’s first confessed kink. We’ve been a married for 12 years and she has never EVER freely confessed any other kinks. (She has hinted at double penetration, but won’t talk about it.)


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