Cuckold Lifestyle PSA: The Importance of Aftercare ...

A post from my wife on a very real problem: Cuckold masturbation.

The other night while we were cuddling in bed, Hubby was being very attentive and affectionate so we started making out and he begged me to see and touch my recent Brazilian wax job. So I let him touch my smooth pussy and of course he started diddling with it and we both got pretty worked up.

Out of nowhere, he asked, "Honey, when you get your pussy waxed ... it's not a guy that does it, is it?"

I paused for a second and wondered if I should tease him about a new guy touching my pussy, but I decided to tell him the truth -- it's always been a woman that does it.

He was relieved to hear that -- he's been somewhat relieved that no other guys have had access to my pussy lately.

"You'd tell me if another guy was working on your pussy, wouldn't you?" he asked.

"Of course, honey," I answered sincerely. "But," I paused, "this may be a good time to talk about that because I think I need to have a few dates with T soon." (T is my boyfriend. I haven't seen him in some months, but he still writes me trying to make dates.)

Hubby's eyes immediately glazed over with that look I recognize as erotic rapture mixed with mortal fear. His penis also got 1/2" bigger and harder in an instant -- I was rubbing it as I broke the news to him.

"You've changed your mind? Why?" he asked plaintively.

"I just really miss his sex." Hubby's penis surged yet again. "The way he would get all up into me and ... you know ... that other stuff."

"What other stuff? ... you mean ... you miss giving him blowjobs?"

"Well, to be honest, yeah. I daydream about it quite a bit. I want to do it more and ... " I trailed off waiting for Hubby to let me know how much detail he needed.

"Are you going to let him cum in your mouth? Is that what you miss?"

"Well ... yeah," I kept stroking Hubby's penis as I broke the news to him.

"Can I ask you a question?" Hubby asked. I nodded. "Does he cum a lot? I mean ... does he produce a lot of sperm."

I hesitated, "Are you sure you want to know all this detail?" Hubby nodded and his penis began to throb. "Well ... it's a surprising amount. I mean ... I didn't know a guy could produce that much. It's really exciting to see. It's impressive."

With that, Hubby lost control. He began climbing on top of me and pulling my pants down like a crazy person. I tried to stroke him off before he could persuade me to coitus, but his fingers had gotten me pretty worked up. So I agreed to let him inside me just for a minute, but with the warning that after this my pussy would be reserved for T.

"How can you reserve your sex for your boyfriend!" he protested. "What about your ass? Is that reserved too?"

"Ok, we've been over this many times and I know you've understood that T gets first dibs on taking me anally. I've told you why and I know you remember the reason:  You had the opportunity for 12 years, but you were too timid and put me on a pedestal. T is simply more assertive and deserves to take my anal virginity."

"So ... what am I supposed to do?"

"Well ... you can be in me for a couple minutes tonight, but after this it's going to be handjobs for you and you can lick my pussy all you want. You're actually pretty good at that."

Telling Hubby "No" is like throwing gasoline on a fire. He was on me like white on rice and started pumping away feverishly. It was actually kinda cute how he jumped me for some loving.

After about 30 seconds I could feel that he was about to pop and he tried to stop.

In directed him to keep up the heavy pumping pace. "But ... I don't want to cum. I want to do good for you tonight."

"That's very sweet, honey, but I want you to cum now. C'mon. Don't stop. Pop for me."

"But ... no ... it's only been like 45 seconds."

"I know ... but I want you to pop for me right now. Don't slow down."

"No I want to make this last." 

"C'mon honey. You know you're close." I used a trick that I know is guaranteed to make him pop and there's nothing he can do to stop it -- I hook my index finger behind his balls and give a gentle tug.

I timed it perfectly, "I want you to cum ... NOW <tug>" and sure enough he popped on my command. It felt fantastic ... to be able to make Hubby cum on command like that.

As he recovered I repeated my philosophy about how we should enjoy our sex life: "Listen, stop trying to make me cum. That's what I have T for ... orgasms. I would prefer you just enjoy fucking me, ok? I know you want to try to please me sexually and that's very cute. But ... well ... you should just enjoy it and not drag it out. I really think it's very sweet how you still cum so quickly for me even though I have another boyfriend -- it really makes me feel sexy and loved. Just enjoy it and let T worry about making me cum. Ok? 'Cause ... well ... that's his specialty." 

Hubby's swollen, chafed penis needed 1st aid.

We cuddled some more and I really felt that Hubby was ecstatic about the sex we just had. I also enjoyed it ... in a certain way.

Little did I realized that Hubby would need some discipline and vigilance over the next couple days.

Two days later, I went to tease his penis again and he pulled away in pain. Upon questioning, he confessed that for the past 2 days he had been thinking about the things I told him and jerking off WAY too much. I usually don't mind him jerking off but if I had known just how much he was going to do it ... I would have put him in chastity immediately after our sex.

Two days after our sex, he had jerked off something like 8 times and his little penis was chafed raw, red, and puffed up. I had to apply some cream to it tonight (see photos).


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